How Can My Music Experience Transfer to a Job?

Often when you play an instrument, sing, or are involved in music, people will ask if you want to be a professional musician or a teacher. But music impacts many other careers as well!

Think about what is needed to be successful in a show, performance, or competition. What if the others in your group don’t work as a team? What if they don’t think about how the music should sound? Or the show should look? Musicians work as team members to create something bigger than they could do themselves. That is a key skill in business.

Musicians spend a great deal of time practicing, whether it is as a group or individually. That commitment and discipline is generally self-managed which is also a key skill in what companies need from employees.

Think about your time as a musician and what you had to do to be successful. It is that kind of effort and energy that companies want! Not convinced? Here is a list of traits identified in musicians by business leaders in Medina County.

Adaptability – Musicians have to roll with the punches. If you are performing outdoors, you have to be ready to change venues due to weather. What happens if someone doesn’t show up or the group is nervous and takes the tempo too fast? Every musician has a story about a time something happened and they had to adapt. Thinking on your feet is a great job skill to share with potential employers.

Commitment – No one picks up an instrument and plays Mozart on the first try. And while singing comes naturally to many, to be really good takes commitment. You have to be dedicated to your craft and practice regularly. That Dedication can pay off, but it takes time. And with that commitment and dedication comes Discipline. You have to be disciplined enough to practice regularly, attend rehearsals, and be present at those rehearsals and events to do your best. Talking through those aspects of being a musician can help employers understand what you bring to the table.

Confidence – You may not realize it, but music helps with your confidence. Being a part of a group and performing helps you have more confidence in your daily life. Not sure? Share with companies what it feels like to take the field in a marching band performance or to walk on stage. Confidence is helpful in any situation and companies love knowing you will do what it takes to feel confident.

Hand-Eye Coordination – Not everyone can look at a note on a page and reproduce it with an instrument, or match it to a dance move while singing, or be aware of what their hands are doing while performing. That ability comes in handy in a number of jobs and interviewers might not think about it. Be sure to discuss it!

Performance – Most people are terrified to be in front of other people. Even if it is in a group! As a musician, you perform in a variety of ways and that includes sometimes playing or singing in front of your fellow musicians. Being able to do that means you can do it in other situations as well.

Take Direction – Musicians generally play under a Director or a person giving direction. While rehearsals have prepared you for performance, in a performance you have to be able to follow the Director because there may be changes you can hear. Being able to take direction and do so when quick changes are needed is vital in the business world.

Teamwork – Most people associate teamwork with athletics, but musicians must work together to make something greater than they are alone. Second and third part is just as vital as first and without them you lose that depth of sound. And each section provides a piece of the overall sound and visual appeal. Be sure to explain the teamwork required in music.